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When I was younger, I decided I wanted to get into equine bodywork but was unsure on where my path would take me or the direction I wanted to go. My passion for animals started at a young age of wanting to become a veterinarian. I started riding at the young age of 11. I fell in love with the sport of Hunter Jumping and trained a few horses over my years, including Ellie who I have now who came to the barn deemed dangerous. I was grateful to be taken under Sheri's wing and ride & work with many horses over the years & learn more and more. I developed a special bond with a few, including Jake - 22 year old Hanoverian who is extremely ungraceful but yet still chases the girls around as well as my 12 year old Canadian Warmblood Ellie, who I trained from the beginning and now my current show horse. Bolt was my blessing from my heart horse Charity who passed in 2017, and left me her precious chesnut colt who is my goofy, curious and kind boy. Barron, my 4th and final (for now) I purchased in September after seeing ONE photo. He stole my heart when I met him and actually was the whole reason I started my journey in nutrition!


I value my horses and everything they have taught me over the years, and they deserve everything I can do for their growing, retiring and performing bodies. With riding for many years with various horses I started to see all the soreness and problems that can arise. Horses are amazing creatures that we have been blessed enough to work with. Every horse is so unique in their own way and can carry their own baggage in various areas of stress. 


I`m currently a Veterinary medical assistant which - in simpler terms - means I work in a Veterinary Clinic. I currently manage within a large emergency & specialty hospital. Working in this field has allowed me even more knowledge with conditions that may become presented, as well as having a closer connection to many veterinarians. 


When I'm not working, and not at the barn (so hmmm.. sleeping?) I enjoy relaxing with my cat on my lap reading more and learning more about horses nutrition or conformation or lameness. I definitely love my annual escape to the mountains, even just for a day, to breathe in the amazing air and appreciate the beauty of nature. 


How I`m prepared to help your horses

I founded and started Stable Mind & Body after completing my certification and becoming a certified Holistic Equine Nutritionist. I knew this was my passion and I was so thrilled to start my journey in helping not only my own horses, but others too! 

I enjoy seeing horses look and feel better as I work with them, and when you enjoy the work you do, your going to put your all in it! It goes with the saying, if you love your job, it won't feel like a job. 


I have taken multiple courses and side courses to ensure my knowledge bank is full, to serve your horses the best. I started my education with Holistic Animal Studies where I took my Equine Myo-Manipulative Functional therapy certification, craniosacral therapy, kinesiology taping,  animal cold laser therapy and equine holistic nutrition. I proceeded to advance my Kinesiology skills and started Sozo Equine's Foundational and Advanced Equine Kinesiology taping. I then pursued an additional course offered by Freely Forward Bodywork in Myo-fascial massage & a TMJ Masterclass. But it did not stop there! I enrolled in Schaeffer's Bodywork's Advanced Equine Massage and Craniosacral certification along with additional courses in Horse conformation and Understanding Hoof & Body. I decided to take the at-home Masterson Method 6 hour CE course to maximize my education, and finally took my Acupuncture Diploma from the International College of Equine & Canine Therapies.

I have plans to do Equine Aromatherapy & ANMR Technique. 

My last pursuit will likely be Osteopathy! 



  • Certified Equine Holistic Nutritionist 

  • Certified Equine Kinesiology Tape Practitioner *in process of being 3 x certified in both foundational and advanced Kinesiology Taping!*

  • *In Process of* Certified Equine Craniosacral Practitioner

  • *In Process of* Certified Equine Myo-Manipulative Therapist

  • Certified Cold Laser Therapy Practitioner 

  • Certified Animal Raindrop Therapy Therapist

  • Certified Acupressure Practitioner

  • Certified Small Animal & Equine Aromatherapist

  • Certified Equine Acupunturist

  • Registered with the IAAMB

  • Specialty Certified in Acupressure with IAHAP

  • Veterinary Medical Assistant Diploma

  • Complex background in the Veterinary Industry

  • Instructor with Holistic Animal Studies in Acupressure, Raindrop Therapy, Pet First Aid and Horsemanship

  • Co-Instructor and Teaching Assistant in Equine First Aid, Aromatherapy, and Therapeutic Exercises. 

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Servicing the greater Edmonton area for massage & services and offering online communication for nutritional consults throughout Canada and the US


Tel: 780-914-2962




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© 2023 by Morgan Rooks-Turcotte

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